Bolivia: You took care of me

Human beings - not for sale

I Took Care of You and You Take Care of Me


Young reformers: David Mamani Huanca and Teodocia Flores

Church: Bolivian Evangelical Lutheran Church

Implementation period: October 2015 to December 2016

How many people were involved? 4

How many people did you reach? 400

Links to the Project :

What did you aim at?

The capacity of the youth is strengthened at the local and regional levels to improve their response to the current challenges of youth in social issues and to work towards a culture of equality, respect, and inclusion.


What did you achieve?

  • Training for youth leaders on issues such as human rights, human trafficking, and raising self-esteem

  • The direct target group is 10-15 youth facilitators. Children, adolescents, and adults in the communities now know their human rights through workshops in schools and local parishes.

  • Raised awareness on the critical topics affecting the youth in Bolivia who tend to immigrate.  


What did you do?

  • We organized training for the youth leaders in Bolivian Lutheran church
  • Shared the information and knowledge with the local youth in the communities about the prevention of work exploitation, human trafficking and prostitution, among other topics related to it.

Interview with young reformers

What is the ongoing reformation you want to see in your church?

I would like to see my Lutheran church reforming itself every day and facing the current social issues affecting the people in Bolivia.

What has been the reaction of the project among the youth?

The reaction has been positive and the youth even wanted other topics to be shared with them. It was very good reaction.

How has been the participation of the youth in the reformation project?

The outreach of the project was about 400 youth from all of the parishes in Bolivia. The four youth leaders have duplicated the training with other youth leaders in their own communities.

What has been challenging about creating the project?

It was very difficult to find the main 4 youth leaders to commit in the project. The time and dedication of the youth in the project has been very difficult as well.

Did everything go as planned?

No, things happened different than we expected but the project was functioning anyway.

How do you see the continuity of the project?

The continuity of this project is important for us and our generation in Bolivia. We would like to keep training and sharing knowledge about  human rights, human trafficking, and self-esteem. This is a concrete way to raise awareness among the younger generation about the risks and dangers of immigration and the prevention to avoid falling into human trafficking. We hope the Lutheran church can keep supporting this project in the future.