Boundless energy for service- My time at the LWF Communion Office

Alexander Taylor studied for one semestre in the city of Geneva Picture: private



“In His name the nations will put their hope” (Isaiah 42:4)

After serving in the LWF Geneva office for four months, I can sincerely say that I have been instilled with a sense of profound hope for the future of the Church. My name is Alexander Taylor, and I was blessed with the opportunity to intern part-time with LWF this past spring, while also taking classes in international studies. I am from Pittsburgh, USA and I am going to be a senior at Colgate University this fall.

During my time with LWF, I worked primarily in the Department for Mission and Development, splitting my time between the Youth Desk and the Projects Office. I helped edit LWF publications, draft a proposal for a new project, and assist in the monitoring and preparation of member church projects. I learned a lot about the work that LWF does, and how they fit into the international community.

It was also my first experience of the global communion. I met people from all over the world, and I encountered stories of Lutherans from every corner of the globe, all serving the Lord in their own language and context. And yet, we are all bonded by a common identity in Christ.  I was truly humbled to witness the connections that tie us together. The LWF Geneva office is suffused with a boundless energy for service, a hope that the communion will be ever more connected and fruitful.


Wherever you are, whatever you are doing for the Lord, do not grow weary or despair. There is a global communion standing behind you.

If you need inspiration, read over the press releases from the Twelfth Assembly, or follow LWF at the World Reformation Exhibition in Wittenberg. Check out the amazing work that the Young Reformers are doing. Whatever you do, know that you are a part of a living and growing communion. I may have just been an intern, but I can attest that LWF is in good hands, and that there is an office full of wonderful people who are committed to its success. I highly encourage you to get involved, and to start your own LWF story.


by Alexander Taylor, 23 years old, United States of America