Foundations and Fundamentalism- Study Material

“A mighty fortress…- How can faith provide us a foundation without leading to fundamentalism?”

There is no way to peace along the way of safety. For peace must be dared, it is itself the great venture and can never be safe. Peace is the opposite of security. (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)

Study material for the "Young Reformers' Space online", held on 29 April 2016

  • Presentation by Rev Dr Simone Sinn, LWF, April 2016:  Outlining aspects of “Fundamentalism” – what is it?; Luther’s concept of faith and certainty; Genuine discipleship (Bonhoeffer) and dealing with diversity and difference; 


  • "Some Fundamental Lutheran Problems with Fundamentalism"- Prof. Dr Wanda Deifelt, LWF studies 2007:   The author comes from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Brazil and has been teaching Christian theology at Luther College in Iowa (USA) since 2004. Wanda Deifelt views fundamentalism as “an anti-dialogical approach that is contrary to fundamental Christian teachings in general and to Lutheran teachings and hermeneutics in particular.” She contrasts Latin American fundamentalist movements with those in the US and outlines important Lutheran theological perspectives on the issue.


Global Young Reformers Network; youth; reformation