- Mr Makama Nickson
- Ms Blessing Benjamin

What a wonderful communion of Lutheran youth gathered to share life and experiences at the LWF young reformers’ workshop in Wittenberg. God’s church and the Lutheran community have been re-sharpened.What then does it really mean to be a reforming Lutheran in a rapidly changing world?
To be Lutheran means to be political: that is one of the most interesting aspects about Lutheranism I’ve learned here. I had always thought that politics is of the kingdom of the world, and that we are not of the world. Before coming here, I referred to politics as “dirty business”. But as we together discovered the root of politics in the Bible, I now understand that Jesus Christ wants us to be his ambassadors, even in politics.
"Advise us to work and earn good living." 1 Thessalonians 4:11
Project Title: Skill acquisition programs to reduce the number of unemployed youths in Yola
Unemployment has caused youths to be used by desperate politicians in achieving their goals. These idle young people are given money to engage in drug abuse, shout and roam the streets campaigning for politicians; sometimes engaging in conflicts and other vices.Our training will help youths understand their value in the society, provide them with the skills needed to grab employment opportunities and be better members of their society.It will help people see how every human being is not an object to be used and misused by others.
This project introduces new skills in
- Computer technology
- Poultry farming
- Cake Baking
The concept of internet makes our training unique from other existing computer training programs in town. This is a living reformation project because youths will use the skills they acquire to earn a living, train and employ other youths in the areas in which they have been trained.