New Eco-Project: "Search, plant and talk about Luther trees"

Baumpflanzaktion mit Landesbischöfin Ilse Junkermann im Luthergarten in Wittenberg/LWB-Zentrum Wittenberg

Dear Global Young Reformers,

Greetings from the Lothar-Kreyssig-Ökumenezentrum (LKOEZ),which is the Ecumenical Center of the Evangelical Church in Central Germany (EKM), the hosting church of the Workshop Wittenberg from August, 22nd until September,4th.

We would like to introduce a new project to you:

„Search, plant and talk about Luther trees“

The project wants to connect 500 years of Reformation, an altering Lutheran identity as well as ecological observations.

The idea: You, the youth of the member churches of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF), search for Luther trees or any other planted witnesses of Lutheranism in your home churches, places where you study or any other place. The so-called Luther trees, in Germany often lime trees or oaks, were and are planted in memory of Dr Martin Luther and the reformation, whether it happened 100 years ago or nowadays. You may have heard about the “Luthergarten” in Wittenberg, which is a living and growing example of the reformation(

In your own context, try to find out if there are any Luther trees at all! Ask, when have these trees been nplanted and why? Or, search for places, where Luther trees used to stand.

You can take pictures, blog statements, organize a flash mob – your creativity may be unlimited!

Find out about the occasion for planting or about the origin of your parish. Describe the local environmental situation and the taken action of the churches for creation and environment.


Your contribution up to the Workshop Wittenberg

The project „Search, plant and talk about Luther trees“ in the core country of the reformation will have its official take off at the Workshop Wittenberg in August but you as young people in the member churches of the LWF as well as young delegates for the Workshop Wittenberg are asked to already actively participate and collect information and share stories in the social network of the Global Young Reformers Network.

We will have a workshop about this topic in Wittenberg, where the broader context is introduced to you. Together we will define the goals and you can decide, in which direction this project shall develop.

We are also asking you to bring some natural material to the Workshop Wittenberg, for instance leaves, small branches or other peaces from a Luther tree in your church. Or, in case there are no Luther trees at all, bring some material from trees, which have been planted in an environmental project initiated by your church or simply bring some material from trees in your local context. In the opening service at August, 23rd, in Wittenberg, we will collect the natural material you brought as symbols from your home churches.

Out of the material we want to produce a piece of art, which shall be presented at the closing service and might remain in Wittenberg as a sing of your Global Young Reformers commitment for environmental issues and for your spirituality and creativity.

Before you bring the natural material please check your national customs authority in terms of exporting and importing natural materials! If you have a transit flight, please check also the terms and conditions in the countries you are crossing.


We are looking forward to your contributions and your ideas!

See you all soon in Wittenberg, God bless you!


For further information please contact Ms Judith Koenigsdoerfer, Lothar Kreyssig Ecumenical Centre