2022 Global Young Reformers Calendar

"Blessed are the peacemakers." Matthew 5:9
What is our spiritual call to build peace? What does this look like in our own communities? How can youth lead the way in peacebuilding across the church? Join the Global Young Reformers Network in a series of 2022 events centering around learning, networking, and peacebuilding. Check out #YearofPeace22 events listed below!
Interfaith dialogue is often perceived as a theoretical practice for specialists, a formal activity that is disconnected from everyday life.
During the pandemic, however, young people have reached out in creative and constructive ways to engage in dialogue with friends from a variety of religious backgrounds. There have been conversations about coping with the impact of Covid-19 that draw on our respective spiritual resources. These conversations are taking place in everyday life, either through face-to-face meetings or online encounters. They challenge us to deepen our understanding of interfaith work and acknowledge the critical role of these dialogues in the work to build sustainable peace in all our communities.
Join the Lutheran World Federation and the Al Amana Centre for this #YearofPeace22 event as we explore youth leadership in practical interfaith dialogue, spirituality in uncertainty, and the role of these dialogues in peacebuilding.

The Global Young Reformers Network will be meeting quarterly for worship, learning, and conversation during the #YearofPeace22. The Global Young Reformers Network for each continent / LWF region will plan one of the four meetings.
The Quarter 1 Gathering will be led by youth from Latin America and the Caribbean and North America. The focus will be on peacebuilding and gender justice. Check the Young Reformers Quarterly Online page below for more information and register below!
Each year, LWF delegates attend the UN Commission on the Status of Women to tell global leaders why #genderjustice is important to us as people of faith.
This year we called for #LWFYouth to join the online delegation! 20 youth from across the LWF who are passionate about gender justice have joined the LWF delegation.
Follow their journeys at #CSW66 and find spiritual and practical resources on Facebook and Instagram!

The call for LWF small-scale climate justice projects led by youth is now open!
Youth have long been leaders of LWF Climate work, and this is an opportunity to contextualize that leadership to the national and local level, too.
Examples of projects include: organizing a local campaign advocating for climate justice prior to COP27, advocating for ambitious National Determined Contributions – NDC at a national level, organizing events to raise awareness on climate change impacts, promote tree planting - local reforestation, promoting Reduce-Reuse-Recycle, strengthening capacity building and education on climate change, etc.
Check out the link below for other application eligibility and criteria.
The LWF Youth program will host the 3rd Peace Messengers training June 1-5 in Geneva, Switzerland as a part of the Global Young Reformers #YearofPeace22
The primary objective of this LWF Youth program is capacity building for youth to become well equipped “Peace Messengers”. The understanding of peace and conflict, conflict analysis and conflict resolution are key to the Peace Messengers, in order to plan and facilitate training in the local communities.
This training will focus on the intersections of peacebuilding and LWF Youth priorities and thematic areas: equity, education, revival of churches, climate justice, and gender justice.
Applications open March 20, 2022 and close April 15, 2022.
Learn more on the LWF Peace Messengers Page

Each year, the governing body of the LWF meets to ensure that LWF is satisfactorily organized and run according to its defined purpose and in accordance with resolutions made by the Assembly.
The council adheres to the 20% LWF Youth quota, and the Youth Council Members will meet in advance of the meeting to discuss initiatives and issues of particular importance to LWF Youth across the communion.
The Global Young Reformers Network will be meeting quarterly for worship, learning, and conversation during the #YearofPeace22. The Global Young Reformers Network for each continent / LWF region will plan one of the four meetings.
Save the date for this second quarterly gathering which will be held at 2 PM CET. Register at the link below.

Applications will open for the LWF Stewards program on June 30, 2022 and will close on September 30, 2022.
This is a leadership development and volunteer program for youth ages 18-30 to attend, accompany, and learn about the LWF Assembly. The LWF Youth Pre-Assemly and Assembly will take place in Krakow, Poland on 7-19 September 2023.
For more information about the assembly and how youth can get involved, check out the LWF Assembly Content Page and the LWF Thirteenth Assembly Website
Thank you for joining in with @LWFYouth as we highlight and celebrate the gifts of youth all around the world.
Check out the recording of the LIVE LWF International Youth Day Prayer Service on Facebook here!
Also feel free to use the prayers and blessings written by LWF Youth around the world in your church services all year. You can find the resource at the link below.

10 Youth from across the LWF will attend the World Council of Churches Ecumenical Youth Gathering (EYG) before the WCC 11th Assembly.
Around 400 young people from member churches and ecumenical partners will gather for this event. It is envisaged that it will provide an open and inclusive space for youth-led and intergenerational dialogue and consultation with young people to strategize together a common message that will be brought forward to the assembly. This event also aims to help frame a more inclusive agenda for the ecumenical movement, moving forward.
The Global Young Reformers Network will be meeting quarterly for worship, learning, and conversation during the #YearofPeace22. The Global Young Reformers Network for each continent / LWF region will plan one of the four meetings.
Save the date for this third quarterly gathering! Check the Young Reformers Quarterly Online page below for more information.

Join in with @LWFYouth as we highlight the unique contributions youth bring to the peacebuilding movement.
Check out the link below to learn more about the contribution of LWF Youth to the peacebuilding movement in the Lutheran World Federation.
Since 2011, Youth have led LWF Conference of Parties (COP) delegations and they are leading climate justice projects all over the world, focusing on the importance of taking care of the creation, intergenerational justice, how to participate in climate national processes like National Determined Contributions - NDC, promoting reforestation in their own communities and gathering ideas for climate justice engagement on carbon neutrality.
Member Churches will have the opportunity to nominate youth for this delegation in May. Please contact your national church office for information on how to be nominated for this delegation.

Does the Bible mean something different in different cultures? Does the Word of God change according to culture?
A major conviction of the Lutheran reformation is that God speaks clearly in Jesus Christ and in the scriptures that give witness of him. On the other hand we experience different understandings according to our personal background, culture and context.
In this series of three online meetings, we are going to explore the issues by reading the bible in a diverse group of youth leaders from around the world. Therefore, we are going to experience together how God speaks to us today in our diversity. At the same time, we will be able to lovingly speak about differences and challenges. We will be enriched as a community that seeks to communicate the gospel to young people.
We will use English as a common language in our seminar.
This global Advent gathering will wrap up the #YearofPeace22 for the Global Young Reformers.
The Global Young Reformers Network will be meeting quarterly for worship, learning, and conversation during the #YearofPeace22. The Global Young Reformers Network for each continent / LWF region will plan one of the four meetings.
Save the date for this fourth quarterly gathering, led by youth from Africa! Check the Young Reformers Quarterly Online page below for more information.

The LWF Youth program will host the 4th Peace Messengers training December 7-12 in Kigali, Rwanda as a part of the Global Young Reformers #YearofPeace22
The primary objective of this LWF Youth program is capacity building for youth to become well equipped “Peace Messengers”. The understanding of peace and conflict, conflict analysis and conflict resolution are key to the Peace Messengers, in order to plan and facilitate training in the local communities.
This training will focus on the intersections of peacebuilding and LWF Youth priorities and thematic areas: equity, education, revival of churches, climate justice, and gender justice.